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Welcome to Silver Knolls

Please consider patronizing these local businesses owned by our Silver Knolls neighbors


Granite Hills Baptist Church
Pastor Mark Morton
10350 Red Rock Road
Reno, NV 89508
Local Baptist church


Light of the Valley’s Lutheran Church

In the Red Rock strip mall

8790 Red Rock Road, STE 103
Worship Sunday 9:30 am
Thursday 7:00 pm


Red Rock Community Church
(Non- denominational)
55 Thoroughbred
Rancho Haven, NV
Sunday Morning Service and Children’s Sunday School 10am
Sunday night Study 6:30pm
Monday night Prayer 6:30 pm
Wednesday night Bible Study
Pastor Dan Burress

Horse training, farriers

Therapeutic / Barefoot Hoof Trims
Doug Quilici
Therapeutic trims - barefoot hoof trims
Special rates for Silver Knolls residents.

Three R's Ranch
Tami Rougeau
10170 Calle Maria
Reno, NV 89508
Professional easycary hoof boot fitting and sales. Mobile Equine Nutrition and Feed

delivered to customers. Uckele Health and Nutrition, Standlee Peak Performance

Nutrition, Zephyr's Garden Proformula.


Resource list for people who don't know


Our Waste service is Waste Management 775-329-8822.


You may be eligible for up to 4 free dumps a year with a qualifying account. There is a transfer station located in Stead at 13980 Mt Anderson, Stead 89506.  In the months of November and May you can put up to 6 bags of garbage out by your can for free pickup. The general rule for trash pickup is the driver will (in most cases) take everything in your can if he/she doesn’t need to get out of the truck. If he/she needs to get out of the truck, then they will need a sticker on the bag.

The bag also needs to be sealed so trash doesn’t fly all over the neighborhood.



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